Skater of the Month
I admire many skaters. Some of witch don't skate any more. They are still kewl in my book. Thier are many skaters doing different things. So it is hard to Pick one. I had to choose from many skaters in the world. I have look through mamy Ideas and I finally though that it should be:

                                           Bob Burnquist

    I have seen Bob in many mags and I have admired him more that Tony Hawk, or any other skaters. He was the first interview I have ever read. I lived in Brazil just as he was born. I lived thier for three years and I loved it. I t as so nice thier. It was peiceful and people were so nice! Bob has been in the mags since old skool was around and people still thoght he was great. when he won the Hard Rock contest against Tonk Hawk I knew who was the best skater on vert. At the X- game trials he did his whole run switch! That was crazy! For now Bob is number 1 in my kewl book.